Homonyms for MBA entrance exams

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The verb adapt means to change something to make it suitable adept noun/adjective means very skilled or proficient at something.

Adjective adversemeans harmful, The adjective averse means having a feeling of opposition

The verb aid means to assist An aide is a person who acts as a helper

The noun allusion means an indirect reference to a person, event. The noun illusion means a false idea. elusion  means avoiding of an argument, accusation, question.

The adjective ambiguousmeans doubtful or unclear. The adjective ambivalent means holding opposing attitudes or feelings

The adjective amiablemeans friendly, pleasant  people. The adjective amicable means peaceable, willing situations, relation

amoral means neither moral nor immoral immoral means violating moral principles

anecdote is a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. antidote means something that counteracts an unpleasant feeling or situation.

bait, which means to tease, harass bated which means to reduce or restrain.

breathis a noun and that breathe is a verb,

The noun capitolrefers to the building in which a legislative assembly meets. The noun capital a city that serves as the seat of wealth

The verb ceasemeans to stop The verb seize means to confiscate or take by force. The noun siege (like liege) refers to a persistent attack of a town or fortress.

The noun chordis a musical term The noun cord refers to a rope or a bond

The verb collaboratemeans to cooperate or work jointly with others. The verb corroborate means to strengthen, support, or confirm with evidence.

Complementmeans “something that completes or brings to perfection.” A compliment is an expression of praise or an act that shows respect or approval.

Comprehensiblemeans “capable of being understood”; comprehensive means “covering a broad range, or inclusive.”

The noun confidantrefers to a person to whom secrets or private matters are freely disclosed. A confidante is female. The adjective confident means certain, bold, or self-assured.

The noun denotationrefers to the direct or explicit meaning of a word or phrase  , The noun connotation refers to the implied meaning or association of a word or phrase apart from the thing it explicitly identifies.

The noun consciencerefers to a person’s recognition of the difference between right and wrong. The adjective conscious means being awake, aware, or alert.

Consequently is a conjunctive adverb that means accordingly, therefore, or as a result. The subsequently means then, later, or next (following in time, order, or place):

The noun devicemeans an object, The verb devise means to plan, invent, or form in one’s mind.

Adesert  is a dry, sandy region or wasteland. A dessert  is a sweet dish served at the end of a meal.

The adjective discreetmeans  self-restrained, cautious, or tactful.  The adjective discrete means distinct or separate.

The adjective disinterestedmeans impartial and without bias. The adjective uninterested means indifferent or unconcerned.

The adjective distinct means separate, clearly defined, and easily distinguishable. The adjective distinctive means having a quality that makes a person or thing noticeably different from others. The adjective distinguished means impressive, eminent, and/or worthy of respect.

Emigrate means to leave one country to settle in another. Immigrate means to settle in a country where one isn’t a native.

Sympathy is a feeling and expression of concern for someone, Empathy requires the ability to recognize the suffering of another person from their point of view and to openly share their emotions, including painful distress.

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